Public Art and ArtWalks

About Public Art

A public artwork is an artwork in any medium, planned and executed outside a gallery context and intended specifically for exhibition within public space.

Public art can express community values, enhance our environment, transform a landscape, heighten our awareness, or question our assumptions. Placed in public sites, this art is there for everyone, a form of collective community expression.

Art can stimulate the brain to release dopamine, which promotes positive emotions and, most importantly, boosts mental restoration. For example, researchers have found that a 35-minute walk in an art gallery decreases cortisol levels efficiently. Children also benefit from visiting museums.

The same sort of effects can be provided for public art. Cities gain value through public art – cultural, social, and economic value. Public art is a distinguishing part of our public history and our evolving culture.

Public Arts can take many forms including mosaics, murals, creative landscaping, banners, interactive play sculptures, neon light installations and environmental sculpture.

The Bird

What is a Public Artwalk

An ArtWalk is essentially public art of some form placed at strategic locations along a path. It can take a number of different forms including temporary, permanent and can be a location, a series of shopfront displays and can also be a basis for regular or one-off event-based programs.

Here is a list of some websites showing the various incarnations of an ArtWalk